Oregon State Fair (Ovine Photo Special)
I worked too hard this summer past; it's the kind of silly thing you do when you're new to a job. In fact I even missed my sister's wedding, which is one of those sins for which there is no forgiveness, and indeed left me feeling bluer than I imagined it might. Let that be a lesson to me. On the positive side, there was the State Fair - and a good time was had by all. Ethan very much enjoyed the snake exhibition and the crepes with whipped cream, strawberries and 'nanas.

One of us is worth a decent prize (allegedly). Bet you can't guess which!

Ethan selects a slimy "cool duck" from the flock. His prize - a set of three giant cuddly crayons in red, blue and orange.

This sheep is in the Klan. No, of course he isn't, he's black.

This sheep is being pampered ahead of the showtime.

This is just a fuzzy little lambkin.

These gigantic sheep are being judged. There's a lot more to animal judging than townies could even imagine; the heirloom pig judge spoke faster than an auctioneer and said things like, "I want to commend the young lady on raising a mighty fine pig right there; she has a real nice feminine bone structure to her face," and yes, he was talking about the pig.

I might have missed the big boy's rodeo, but the children riding sheep was very nearly as cool. Just a few years until Ethan can start wrangling one of those beasts!

And she's off!

That's mighty fine riding there, partner!

Where have all the cowboys gone? Well, here's two for a start. Though perhaps one of them is more of a farmer.

One of us is worth a decent prize (allegedly). Bet you can't guess which!

Ethan selects a slimy "cool duck" from the flock. His prize - a set of three giant cuddly crayons in red, blue and orange.

This sheep is in the Klan. No, of course he isn't, he's black.

This sheep is being pampered ahead of the showtime.

This is just a fuzzy little lambkin.

These gigantic sheep are being judged. There's a lot more to animal judging than townies could even imagine; the heirloom pig judge spoke faster than an auctioneer and said things like, "I want to commend the young lady on raising a mighty fine pig right there; she has a real nice feminine bone structure to her face," and yes, he was talking about the pig.

I might have missed the big boy's rodeo, but the children riding sheep was very nearly as cool. Just a few years until Ethan can start wrangling one of those beasts!

And she's off!

That's mighty fine riding there, partner!

Where have all the cowboys gone? Well, here's two for a start. Though perhaps one of them is more of a farmer.