As many of you are aware, I have become enchanted with the bucolic joys of the country fair. Oft contemplated with mild derision by Saab-driving europhile urbanites and hipsters with their ironic polyester shirts, gigantic graduated shades and thin handlebar moustaches, the fair is of course the culmination of the agrarian calendar, a celebration of the craft, vigour and tenacity of those unafraid to actually work for a living, and a chance to step back, relax and take pleasure in nature's rich bounty - symbolically represented by "elephant's ear" doughnuts dipped in cinnamon sugar,
fry bricks, QVC style demonstrations of wonder gadgets, miscellaneous competitions, a fun fair, displays, attractions, stalls and an infectious sense of bonhomie.
This sheep is a member of Al-Qaeda. No, she's just being blinkered for a spot of pre-competition grooming.
A llama in harness.
I'm sure you are all highly familiar with duck-racing. No explanation necessary.
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