The news in pictures
I finally got some photos developed to give you a clearer picture of life out here in Portland. Many of these refer to adventures already detailed and will be posted there too for the sake of consistency. Apologies to everyone without a broadband connection - this may take a few seconds...
The ginger car
Our house, 3027 SE Main St in all its glory
from left to right: Ben, Julie, Johnny and Rachel
Rachel plays Donkey Konga
Rachel charms the birds at Portland zoo
Up a certain mountain...
You had to see it to believe it - yes, it's Wanker's Country Store. 'Tis the season for Eggnog Lattes indeed.
The beach south of Florence on our Anniversary
the view from the hotel, Yachats
Sealions taking a break in Newport
The waterfall near Silverton; squint to the centre left of the water on the upper photo - yes that tiny mark is someone on the path about to walk behind the falls...

The ginger car

Our house, 3027 SE Main St in all its glory

from left to right: Ben, Julie, Johnny and Rachel

Rachel plays Donkey Konga

Rachel charms the birds at Portland zoo

Up a certain mountain...

You had to see it to believe it - yes, it's Wanker's Country Store. 'Tis the season for Eggnog Lattes indeed.

The beach south of Florence on our Anniversary

the view from the hotel, Yachats

Sealions taking a break in Newport

The waterfall near Silverton; squint to the centre left of the water on the upper photo - yes that tiny mark is someone on the path about to walk behind the falls...
Your car is sexy, your house is gorgeous, the scenery is beautiful and your both looking very well.
We are very pleased for you both.
Laura and Carly :)
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