Conky Kitten - cat genius
Rachel was just wheeling out the pram when she noticed the car's hazard lights where flashing. Which was odd, given that it was stationary in the driveway. So she called me and I dashed out with the keys. On opening the driver's side door, out jumped Conker, with a mildly impatient meow. By applying my finest Columbo-honed detective skills I can only conclude that he had jumped into the car when I was unloading it earlier that day and found himself locked in. Not wishing to remain there indefinitely, he did what anyone would do, and depressed the hazard light button, located top-centre in the dashboard, and awaited for assistance to arrive. And lucky he did so, as it was eighty-degrees plus, the windows were rolled up and we weren't planning on using the car again until the next day.

Conky Kitten - handy with motors.

Conky Kitten - handy with motors.
They're attuned with the aliens, it explains much- and glad to hear he was OK :)
Rick & Max (aka Psycho)
I hear there's a vacancy on Top Gear at the moment. Perhaps Conker can step into the breach?
aww poor conker.
he sounds like a clever cat though, bless him.
P.S. that is a very cute picture of Conker, you should post more pictures of your cats :)
that comment above is by Laura :)
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