Nietzche said something like "Formula of my happiness: a yes, a no, a straight line, a goal". Well, he may have prefigured the entire canon of twentieth century existentialist thought, but really, what a frightful bore. Here's my go: "Formula of my happiness: two scoops of 'Appley Ever After' with hot caramel sauce and whipped cream. Crumbled Oreos are an optional extra."

Köstlich, ja? Thus spake Zarathustra. Anyhow, the weather has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous. I think it rained constantly from the beginning of March until last Sunday, if memory serves me correctly. Today it was high seventies and I was wearing far too many layers.
This week, a very brief tour of Hillsboro, where I affect to work. I mostly post these photos to cheer you up in whatever you're doing. In this way I serve a very similar function to the people manning the refreshment trolleys that pass occasionally up and down the gangways on Connex South Central.

Fraggle Rock. Sorry, I mean the office.

The MAX, or light rail system, which ferries me daily twixt Hillsboro and the great metropolis.

A Starbucks, much like every other, only this is where I spend most of my lunchtimes if I can get past the Gorgs (or somesuch). Now I think about it, wasn't Starbuck a character in Battlestar Gallactica? You know, the same actor that played 'Face' in the A-Team. Dirk Benedict, I think.

Look at this beauty. Sadly there is nothing European by which to correctly judge the scale in this photo, but let me tell you that even in a state where at least fifty percent of all vehicles are SUVs or pickups, this baby stands out as a monster. It is always parked in exactly the same spot, leading me to suspect that the owner can no longer afford to drive it, what with petrol now being $2.40 a gallon.

Purgatory aka my 'cube'
Now you feel happier about life, why not do something for me? One thing I miss terribly, as you can imagine, is the British Press, in particular the tabloids. With this in mind, please summarise the most significant event to occur to you in the last week or so in the form of a Sun headline. Oh, go on!

Köstlich, ja? Thus spake Zarathustra. Anyhow, the weather has gone from the sublime to the ridiculous. I think it rained constantly from the beginning of March until last Sunday, if memory serves me correctly. Today it was high seventies and I was wearing far too many layers.
This week, a very brief tour of Hillsboro, where I affect to work. I mostly post these photos to cheer you up in whatever you're doing. In this way I serve a very similar function to the people manning the refreshment trolleys that pass occasionally up and down the gangways on Connex South Central.

Fraggle Rock. Sorry, I mean the office.

The MAX, or light rail system, which ferries me daily twixt Hillsboro and the great metropolis.

A Starbucks, much like every other, only this is where I spend most of my lunchtimes if I can get past the Gorgs (or somesuch). Now I think about it, wasn't Starbuck a character in Battlestar Gallactica? You know, the same actor that played 'Face' in the A-Team. Dirk Benedict, I think.

Look at this beauty. Sadly there is nothing European by which to correctly judge the scale in this photo, but let me tell you that even in a state where at least fifty percent of all vehicles are SUVs or pickups, this baby stands out as a monster. It is always parked in exactly the same spot, leading me to suspect that the owner can no longer afford to drive it, what with petrol now being $2.40 a gallon.

Purgatory aka my 'cube'
Now you feel happier about life, why not do something for me? One thing I miss terribly, as you can imagine, is the British Press, in particular the tabloids. With this in mind, please summarise the most significant event to occur to you in the last week or so in the form of a Sun headline. Oh, go on!
Restraining Act: R swears blue murder but doesn't commit it. yet.
Currying flavour with the boss: R cooks for Rachael and family
R paints over the blues and sees the light
(redoing my spare room)
What a Sunner! R Mirrors the Mail and gets out her puns for the punters.
"Snubbed" - The Sun
"Anglo-American relations strained as UK rebuffs blog request" - The Telegraph
No snub intended. Just a slow news week...
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